Shortage Jobs in Sweden

Shortage jobs in Sweden – 42 in-demand occupations

Are you looking for job opportunities in Sweden? If so, you might want to consider the list of shortage jobs in Sweden released by the Swedish Migration Agency in December 2022. The list includes occupations in various fields, from healthcare to construction, that are in high demand and facing a shortage of skilled workers.

This shortage of skilled workers is not unique to Sweden, but it is a global trend. Many countries are struggling to find skilled workers to fill vacancies, and Sweden is no exception. To address this issue, the Swedish Migration Agency has released a list of shortage jobs to encourage the immigration of skilled workers who can fill the gaps in the labour market.

The list of shortage jobs in Sweden includes positions such as nurses, doctors, engineers, software developers, and construction workers, among others. These jobs are not only in demand, but they also offer competitive salaries and benefits. The Swedish labour market is known for its high wages, generous parental leave policies, and work-life balance. Therefore, working in Sweden can be a great opportunity for immigrants who are looking for a better quality of life.

One of the benefits of immigrating to Sweden as a skilled worker is that it opens up a pathway to permanent residency and citizenship. The Swedish government has implemented policies to attract skilled workers and make it easier for them to settle in the country. For example, immigrants who are granted a work permit in a shortage occupation are eligible for a faster track to permanent residency.

Another advantage of working in Sweden is the country’s commitment to diversity and inclusion. Sweden has a long history of welcoming immigrants and promoting equality, and this is reflected in the workplace. Companies in Sweden prioritize diversity and often have programs to attract and retain employees from different backgrounds.

If you are interested in working in Sweden, the first step is to check if your occupation is on the list of shortage jobs. If so, you can apply for a work permit and start your journey towards a new life in Sweden. However, keep in mind that the Swedish labour market is highly competitive, and you will need to have the necessary skills and qualifications to be considered for a job.

The list of the most sought-after jobs in Sweden according to the Migrationsverket’s regulations is as follows (as at December 2022):

  1. Anläggningsarbetare (construction worker)
  2. Anläggningsmaskinförare (construction equipment operator)
  3. Arbetsterapeuter (occupational therapist)
  4. Barnmorskor (midwife)
  5. Barnsjuksköterskor och skolsjuksköterskor (pediatric and school nurses)
  6. Betongarbetare (concrete worker)
  7. Biomedicinska analytiker (biomedical analyst)
  8. Buss- och spårvagnsförare (bus and tram driver)
  9. Byggnads- och ventilationsplåtslagare (sheet metal worker)
  10. Civilingenjörsyrken inom bygg och anläggning (civil engineer in construction and infrastructure)
  11. Civilingenjörsyrken inom maskinteknik (civil engineer in mechanical engineering)
  12. Distriktssköterskor (district nurse)
  13. Fastighetsskötare (property caretaker)
  14. Fysioterapeuter (physiotherapist)
  15. Förare av jordbruks- och skogsmaskiner (agricultural and forestry machinery operator)
  16. Förskollärare (preschool teacher)
  17. Geriatriksjuksköterskor (geriatric nurse)
  18. Golvläggare (flooring installer)
  19. Grundskollärare (primary school teacher)
  20. Grundutbildade sjuksköterskor (registered nurse)
  21. Hovmästare och servitörer (restaurant manager and waiter/waitress)
  22. Industrielektriker (industrial electrician)
  23. Ingenjörer och tekniker inom bygg och anläggning (engineers and technicians in construction and infrastructure)
  24. Installations- och serviceelektriker (installation and service electrician)
  25. Kockar, köksmästare och souschefer (cook, head chef, and sous chef)
  26. Lärare i yrkesämnen (vocational subject teacher)
  27. Medicinska sekreterare och vårdadministratörer (medical secretary and healthcare administrator)
  28. Miljö- och hälsoskyddsinspektörer (environmental and health protection inspector)
  29. Mjukvaru- och systemutvecklare (software and systems developer)
  30. Motorfordonsmekaniker och fordonsreparatörer (vehicle mechanic and vehicle repairer)
  31. Murare och plattsättare (mason and tile setter)
  32. Målare (painter)
  33. Operationssjuksköterskor (operating room nurse)
  34. Processoperatörer inom tillverkning (process operator in manufacturing)
  35. Processövervakare inom kemisk industri (process monitor in the chemical industry)
  36. Psykiatrisjuksköterskor (psychiatric nurse)
  37. Psykologer (psychologist)
  38. Röntgensjuksköterskor (radiology nurse)
  39. Sjuksköterskor inom akutsjukvård (emergency nurse)
  40. Slaktare, styckare (butcher and meat cutter)
  41. Specialistläkare (specialist doctor)
  42. Städare (cleaner)

The list of shortage jobs in Sweden offers great opportunities for skilled immigrants who are looking for a better quality of life and a pathway to permanent residency. The Swedish labour market is highly competitive, but it rewards skilled workers with high wages, benefits, and a great work-life balance. If you are considering immigrating to Sweden, take a look at the list of shortage jobs and see if your skills match the demands of the labour market.


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